Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Here Comes Boat Season... HURRAY!!

We are very excited about spring and warm weather! My parent bought a boat last fall but it was in the midst of me having Eli so we never got a chance to see it. Last night we went out for a little ride. Eli of course loved it! He got to "help" my dad drive and he just kept staring at the water. I brought the right size of a life jacket on the boat but didn't make him wear it thinking "ok i am not being to paranoid he won't fall out, i'll holding on very tight" I know most lakes have that rule but the gas guy didn't say anything. Seeing as i am super OCD about everything with him, i thought i was making a good step in loosening up. Only later to have talked to brandt for a minute about Elias' first boat experience. He quickly reminded me that if Eli were to fall out how he would sink to the bottom of the lake. This immediately made my mind picture this kind of moment and i think i almost threw up. Needless to say, he will always be wearing a life jacket from now on until he can swim. YICKS!

He is growing like a weed. Starting to he puffs, bananas and pears cut up. Today he actually grab one by himself and ate it. Very exciting! It's the little things in life right? We had to switch him to a "big boy" car seat! Today he weighed 20 pounds 11 ounces so it was time to make the change. I tell you what... car seat shopping is almost worse than car shopping. So many options and sooo many opinions. After trying a few in the car we went with the Evenflo Symphony65™ . It got good reviews, felt and looked the safest, fits the best and will hopefully last the longest since the weight limit goes to 65 pounds! The only downside is when he cashes out, he looks like he will need to see a chiropractor for his neck... so we will have to figure something out before any long car rides! :)

As an update to his test. Everything looked good. He does not have any reflux in his bladder (basically urine refluxing into his kidneys which could cause infections). Bear with me because i don't know the technical terms, but there is a little tube that connects to your bladder and at the connection point he is a little swollen there. The doctor really thinks he will just grow out of this and it will be no big deal. We will just get an ultrasound done every month to keep an eye on it, until it goes away! Thank the Lord!!! It was such a relief. Thank you everyone for your prayers and thoughts! We are constantly reminded what a blessing it is to have a healthy baby!

Monday, April 5, 2010

It's been too long!

Sorry everyone. It has been forever since I have updated you on Eli and the Booram Family. We are still alive... don't fear!

Arizona was a blast! He LOVED the water and the sun. He was an amazing baby and took lots of naps in his stroller so i could get some R&R by the pool! The next weekend we got back, we headed up to chicago to visit with Katie, Tyson and TJ (and we got to sneak in some visits with some other friends who live downtown chicago as well)!! It was such a good time to be with them, see their life, church and house. Ironic timing since they are moving soon, so we were very glad to get up there and get some good time in with them!

Well geesh, Eli will be 7 months on the 13th of April. At his 6 month appointment he weighed 19 pounds and 3 ounces and was 23.5 inches long! He is getting so big. This weekend we will be buying him a new car seat already. I will greatly miss just carting him around in his infant car seat as apposed to strapping him in and unstrapping him every time we run errands.

He is crawling for the most part now! He gets up on all fours and and lunges forward (every once and a while he will take a little "step" forward). I am secretly hoping he doesn't get too good at it until we move in june so i don't have to baby proof our whole place and then move. Yuck! Chances are though, knowing our baby, he will be crawling like mad in a couple weeks!

He still eats just about anything like a champ! We are now slowly introducing him into real solid foods like bananas. Those are all we have tried. I cut them up VERY little and he is greatly monitored while consuming them. :) He has also tried puffs which is is favorite snack (with his sippy cup of course)!!! He is so close to picking them up and putting them in his mouth by himself!

- Making raspberries with his mouth (spit goes everywhere)
- Playing with Amos and Layla, mainly him pulling their hair
- Rolling everywhere on the floor
- Eating of Course!!!
- Bouncing in his Exersaucer (sometimes i am little nervous he is going to break it)

Eli has recently been diagnosed with hydronephrosis (enlarged kidneys). We found out his kidneys were a little swollen when he was born, and we recently did a follow up ultra sound and they had seemed to have gotten a little worse. So we have been referred to a pediatric urologist at Riley. Eli will have 2 more test done on wednesday and then we will meet with the doctor. While the first ultra sound showed the severity to still be very low, we need to keep an eye on them as he gets older. I am greatly dreading his test on wednesday. One of them he has to have a catheter and the nurse told me that normally the kiddos just cry themselves to sleep. Luckily he will have no long term emotional scaring, however i can not guarantee i will not! : /If you think about it, keep us in your prayers!