Tuesday, September 28, 2010


That's right. Eli is officially one! (well he has been for about a week and a day) We had a big puppy dog themed birthday party in celebration of his big day. We had quite the crowd, lots of presents, and most importantly a fabulous cupcake. He seriously loved it! First he sucked off all of the icing to insure he wouldn't miss a drop and then dove into the cake part. The cupcake was apple spice with buttercream icing! With a puppy face on it of course!

He has just grown like a weed. On his one year appointment he weighted 27 1/2 pounds, 48cm head, and 32 inches tall. He is 95% in his weight and head diameter and off the charts in his height. I think we always knew he was going to be a big boy, but it just still always surprises me even though he is fitting into 24 months clothes! He is walking like a mad man, and chattering lots, but nothing too comprehendible.

It was so fun to take some time and look back on the day i had him. It will forever be one of the most amazing days of my life. I was induced on his actual due date, despite the fact i went into early labor at 34 weeks. Surely this was a sign of his extreme stubbornness to do things his way. I was in labor for 7 hours, and pushed for an 1 1/2 hours. Never knew having a baby was a cardio work out too, someone should have warned me! :) He weighed 9 lbs 5 oz and was 21 inches long.

Brandt and I were so shocked to find out we were pregnant. There was lots of processing time to get use to the idea of how drastic life would change. Once he was here though, and we held him for the first time, we both knew there was no going back. He is wonderful in every way, i can't ever imagine life with out!