So, Brandt and i did it.... well i did it. I left Eli with Brandt's parents for two whole nights. WOW i know, i am impressive. Some people probably look at me like i am crazy for it taking me this long to do an over night away, but it was soo hard. I just love being a mom and taking care of Eli everyday. But Brandt and I needed some R and R, that's for sure. So we headed to chicago for a weekend! It was a great time. We went watched some of the air and water show, then that night we had a picnic in millennium park for the millennium park orchestra and choir. Cheese and wine, it was wonderful. The next day we had a great brunch, went shopping (of course) and got to have a fabulous dinner at a Brazilian restaurant. All you can eat meat... brandt was all about it!
The next day we were both pretty ready to see our little boogie, so we headed home. He was funny when we saw us for the first time though, very confused. But then he didn't want to be away from our side.
Things have felt like a whirl wind since that weekend. Life is going so fast. Eli is walking like crazy (not a full 100% walker yet). His 1st birthday is coming up soon. OH man babies grow up so quickly huh? I look at him can't believe he will be 1!!!! He is just a wonderful blessing.
Newest things:
2- He can respond to "what does a cow say".... "Moooo", "what does a duck say"....."qwak, qwak"
3- recent words; "bye, bye", "love you", "night, night", "all done" (very rarely), and a few others
4- he has an official blanket that he will NOT sleep with out.
I'll keep everyone posted with some pictures/ video of his first birthday party!