Friday, June 17, 2011

Toddler Room for Eli!

As we have gotten ready for Riley's arrival, we have moved Eli to a bigger room (hoping he will enjoy playing in there!). With moving him, I thought it would be fun to give him a more toddler like room. It's been fun having him wake up and saying all the animals on his wall. Shortly i plan on doing the elephant in chalk paint, but as of now, Eli is SO not ready for the responsibility of drawing on a specific place on the wall!

Eli has gotten so verbal and it has been a blast! He can say many "nacks" (snacks) that he loves to eat, he is very particular about what type of things he wants even down to the type of sippy cup he is in the mode for. He would chose to eat oatmeal every morning, and most mornings he does! He also LOVES honey! He still has no idea about what is about to rock his world- his baby brother. While I think there will be many sweet moments of them together, I do fear for the safety of Riley because of Eli's great passion for throwing everything!! It could be interesting!

We are so excited to meet our second little boy! If Riley chooses to not come early, thankfully the doctor promised me she wouldn't make me have an other 9 pound 5 ouncer so Riley will be induced July 9th!

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